Building From Source

This part of the documentation shows how to build Gimel Studio from source.


This documentation mainly talks about version v0.5.3 as new documentation needs to be written for the upcoming 0.6.x series. (If you would like to help in the documentation effort, please let us know).

Download Release Builds

Binary package builds for Windows and Linux can be downloaded from the Gimel Studio homepage.

MacOs binaries are not yet available. See the building from source documentation to build it from the source code yourself.


It is likely that the binary packages for Linux (available for download on the website) only supports Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS/Linux Mint 20 and onwards.

Building from source should work on any system that supports Python 3.6+

Building from Source

Gimel Studio is currently written in 100% pure Python, so there shouldn’t be any need to compile anything except for the dependencies (in some cases).

Step 1. Get the source
  • Download the tar.gz source archive file from the Github Releases

  • Extract the archive.

  • Navigate to the root directory (the folder called Gimel-Studio) in your shell/bash/command prompt cd Gimel-Studio.


The following steps assume you have Python 3.6 or higher (added to your PATH), pip installed on your system and you are in the root directory of Gimel Studio.


Step 2. Setup and install dependancies
  • Get pipenv with pip install pipenv

  • Install the dependencies with pipenv install --dev

This will install the core dependancies for Gimel Studio.

Step 3. Build the executable
  • Launch the pipenv shell with pipenv shell

  • Run python "src/" to test if you have installed everything correctly. If this launches Gimel Studio, then you are ready to build the executable.

  • Next, run make.bat to build the executable. You should find the executable in the dist folder.

Linux (Debian-based systems)

Step 2. Setup and install dependancies
  • Get pipenv with pip3 install pipenv

  • Install the dependencies with pipenv install --dev

This will install the core dependancies for Gimel Studio.


If the above does not work for you, you can try the following alternative dependency installation:

1. Run each of these commands: pip3 install opencv-python pip3 install numpy pip3 install scipy pip3 install pillow

  1. Download the wheel file for wxpython which matches your Python version and Linux OS version from

  2. Install the wxpython package with pip3 install <pathtothewheelfilehere>

Step 3. Build the executable
  • Launch the pipenv shell with pipenv shell (only if you did not use the alternative dependency installation)

  • Run python3 "src/" to test if you have installed everything correctly. If this launches Gimel Studio, then you are ready to build the executable.

  • Next, run ./make or sudo ./make to build the executable. You should find the executable in the dist folder.



This part of the documentation is still WIP. These instructions may or may not work correctly! :)

TODO: Confirm that these are the correct steps for building on MacOs.

Step 2. Setup and install dependancies
  • Get pipenv with pip3 install pipenv

  • Install the dependencies with pipenv install --dev

This will install the core dependancies for Gimel Studio.

Step 3. Build the executable
  • Launch the pipenv shell with pipenv shell

  • Run python3 "src/" to test if you have installed everything correctly. If this launches Gimel Studio, then you are ready to build the executable.

  • Next, run ./make or sudo ./make to build the executable. You should find the executable in the dist folder.