Gimel Studio Usage

This part of the documentation shows basic usage of Gimel Studio.

Gimel Studio Panels

Gimel Studio’s UI is made up of rearrangable (dockable) and resizeable panels.

Image Viewport

This panel is where the final result, the rendered “composite” image, will be shown. The image preview will be auto-updated each time a change is made to the Node tree in the Node Graph, if you have the Auto Render setting ticked in menu (Render > Auto Render).

Node Graph

The Node Graph panel is where you add and connect nodes, etc. to create a node tree. Nodes are connected in the desired order to produce a rendered “composite” image with the effects and manipulations applied when connected to the final node in the node tree, the Output Node.

Node Properties

The Node Properties panel is where the properties of the node selected in the Node Graph are displayed, if any.